Sunday, 15 November 2015

Music Video Inspirations - Miss Georgiou

Before even beginning to plan our music video thoroughly. We need to evaluate other music videos of all different genres. This will involve analyzing a number of music videos that can create something which allows me to gather the necessary information needed to create a successful music video. In order to create a very realistic music video I need to look at examples from real artists themselves. This will enable me to see what sort of this are crucial when creating a music video and what do I need to prepare myself for. In addition to this my inspirations for the music video come from the fact that I like the idea of my own music video being original and creative. So I have tried to take very unique aspects of each video and turn it into my own. This may not only help me to provide good ideas and inspirations for my own music video but it widens my knowledge at what type of music videos I would have to compete with in this time and age of the music industry. 

In this particular music video we see a story of two girls that are very close to each other and share a good bond with each other. The key part in this music video that I see as inspiration is the idea that the character in this music video is represented in a very sympathetic way. As the women are seen building a relationship it is suddenly taken away. This would leave the audience feeling very sympathetic towards the artist and the characters in the music video. The particular representation in the music video of  'The Head And The Heart - Another Story' allows me to consider how I actually want my own artist to be represented. In this case I want her to be represented in the same way, as someone who is seen in a sympathetic light. This enables the audience to build a relationship with my artist through the use of emotion. The particular way to do this has been inspired by this video. The fact that they have an older actor portray the same woman acts as an emotional barrier to the audience as they are able to see that same character long for the company of there friend even in there elderly years. This acts as a very heartbreaking representation of the character which will ultimately stir emotions in the audience. This particular way of representing a character/artist would work well in my own music video as it enables the audience to feel like they have a personal bond with the audience which will lead to them feeling empathy for her, when in my case - her partner dies and she is left to grieve over him. 

Theorists are people whom study particular elements of a topic in great detail, in this case I am observing Dyer's star theory in Ellie Gouldings - How Long Will I Love You. Dyer's theory consists of labeling artists as being extraordinary and ordinary. This particular statement means that artists are portrayed down to earth but also as living as luxury or being 'unhuman' with talent, passion, wealth etc. The way Ellie has been portrayed in this music video, has inspired me due to the fact that she is seen playing an instrument. This portrays her as someone who is famous because of her talent not just because of how she flaunts herself. This is crucial in building a relationship with a younger audience as they may look up to her for her talent not just for her physical traits. This is something I wish to incorporate in my own music video, due to the fact that I know playing an instrument will appear to my target audience as they will see my artist as someone with actual talent. Some one who deserves to be famous, not just because of there upbringing and appearance. In addition to this the whole theory of an artist being portrayed as 'ordinary' to an audience is also influenced by Ellie Goulding's use of filming equipment. This is due to the fact that she used a phone to film her whole music video, which is the ultimate relateable thing she could do for her audience as it supplies an element of normality in her music video. Overall I aim to have my artist play a similar instrument as her to attract and gain a very relatable label to her as a person as well as an artist.

The particular narrative style can also be an influence to me as someone who wants to focus there music video on narrative based performances. Gabrielle Aplin is an indie artist who creates the perfect narrative inspiration in her music video 'Please Don't Say You Love Me.' This particular music video is heavily narrative based and is very stylistic to the indie genre that I want to create for my own music video. This enables me to analyse the way Gabrielle Aplin creates a very indeph narrative that is very emotive and realistic. One thing I was very inspired by from this narrative storyline was the fact that it portrays a very realistic relationship, this is something that I want to create in my own music video. In 'Please Don't Say You Love Me' the couple is seen arguing as well as laughing, which would be alot more influential to my audience as well if I followed this style. The idea that the audience can listen and watch a music video with this exact style will lead them to believe that this artist is in fact 'normal' and doesn't have a 'perfect life' which involves two people falling in love and living 'happily ever after' I am now influenced to encourage my audience that the healthy and 'perfect' relationship that my artist had actually does contain all types of emotions such as love and happiness as well as anger and grief. This will ultimately show my music video to be alot more fitting to the style that the audience are most likely to relate to. 

Brave is a song from Sara Bareilles that portrays a very upbeat and influential atmosphere to its audience. This particular music video, allows me to look at the particular conventions that lead to the ideology that everyone is unique. While watching this music video I am able to see a group of different people being crazy and dancing to the music and just 'letting go' This people are of all different ethnic backgrounds. There are men and women. There are people of all different ages and sizes being seen dancing in public places. This overall idea is something that I find really fun and interesting. This particular type of message is something I wish to add into my own music video as it provides a music video with more normality. This overall enables us as an audience to let go ourselves while watching this and just really enjoy the message behind it. The particular conventions that enable me to feel very inspired is the locations and the way the artist is dressed. The fact that the particular events in the music video are happening in very 'normal' settings like city's and shopping centers relate well to the audience as it shows that wherever you are no matter how crowded or unusual that place is you can be yourself. The other convention I mentioned was the artist's costume. This is convention to her theme of being 'weird' and happy for it. This is something that I want the audience to feel in my own music video. This will be down through particular indie conventions. These will include the particular locations chosen in my music video like London and on particular occasions the costumes of the artist ill be convention to the same ideology of being different and embracing your 'weirdness.'

Finally the last element that I wish to incorporate into my own music video is the micro elements. 'Beyonce - Halo' is one music video that portrays the element of innocence really well just through the particular micro-elements and lighting used in the music video. This type of lighting in the music video is one thing that has really influenced me due to the fact that it can really manipulate the whole atmosphere. In this particular music video 'Halo' the audience are able to see that the majority of the music video is edited and filmed to look very angelic through the micro element, lighting and colour. This ultimately shows the audience that the artist is in fact very vulnerable, again creating this sympathetic idea towards Beyonce as her audience will not only feel sorry for her and portray her as the vulnerable and innocent one, but they may also look at her as someone who has been through the same things as them. For example in a bad break up most people like to blame the other person for the failure of there relationship, this relates to the idea that Beyonce is always going to be seen as the innocent one due to the lighting. This is something that I will try and add to my own music video as I aim to create the same type of relationship between the artist and audience.

In conclusion there are many different aspects that have influenced me. The idea that there are influential artists out there that can appeal to me in a particular way that will benefit me is very interesting. The planning of these ideas allow me to be alot more organised when producing my own music video. This is because it allows me to be able to plan what I want in my own music video without having to think too deep about it all. Not only does it provide me with a better plan that is more organised but I am now able to incorporate a more successful music video as I have taken elements and inspirations from separate, well known music videos that have actually done very well in the music industry so I am given guidance and encouragement from the fact that if they are successful then mine should hopefully follow in there footsteps also. 


  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding why music inspirations are essential to consider. You have identified a variety of points and have explained how the video has inspired you to create your own production and the ways in which you will represent your own artist.

    1) Elaborate on the ways in which you will use the inspiration within your own production, by considering your production in further detail throughout.

  2. You have made a start with developing your points further, by explaining what the importation is and you have started to explain how you will use this inspiration. But you need to ensure that these points are discussed in more detail, by relating back to the production in more detail throughout.
