Friday 12 February 2016

Evaluation Question 2) How Effective Is The Combination Of Your Main Product And Ancilliary Texts PREZI

My main music video as stated is very conventional to the indie genre as it consists of involving many natural and relatable aspects when beginning to plan and create the ancillary texts I wanted this to be the same case. My main aim was to have a theme throughout the ancillary texts and main product. This included colours, location and other micro elements. I was able to research a number of different adverts and digipaks and study what the typical conventions was of them. Jessie J's magazine advert remained to be very noticeable due to the particular gold coloured font she had against a plain black background. The magazine advert created displays Amy Michaela in a forest area. The background is black and white while she stands out because she is in colour. I did this by using the eraser tool to remove the black and white filter from her and this made her much more noticeable as the colour stood out more. Not only does this fit in well with the natural theme but it displays her as someone who is original and stands out from the 'boring' and 'bland.' This appeals the my target audience as they see her as more of a friend rather then as someone who is trying to put herself above the audience.

My digipak contains a range of different shots that display different connotations and emotions. This fits in well with the very emotional music video that we have created. For example like the scene where the army boyfriend dies and the artist is left alone to spread the ashes. Amy-Michaela message to her fans slide on the digipak shows a black and white image excluding her blue eyes. Her hands are held up to her face and this allows the audience to firstly view her as a guarded person and secondly because her eyes are in colour they may feel connected to her spiritually and then focus on them directly and the emotion being them, just like how they focus on emotion in the music video 'Salvation' when the contrast of happy and sadder scenes are displayed when the artists partner goes off to war.

I decided to use this particular emotion in this slide as it is one that will stand out to the audience as it directed at them through the message she is trying to get across. One particular slide that has stood out to me as a producer is the slide where the artist is looking out and blocking the sunlight all that is seen is the lens flare and the silhouette of the artist. As a result of this the audience are able to view her as both extraordinary and ordinary. This is due to the fact that even though she is still in an ordinary location with natural lighting behind her she is able to be seen as someone who is beautiful and someone who the audience still may be influenced by. As a result of this the audience are able to view this particular artist as someone who is angelic and quite reserved about sharing her album and emotions. In addition to this the lens flare and manipulating of the sunlight is present throughout the main music video and ancillary tests supporting the natural flow and theme of all three products.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a basic understanding and analysis of your ancillary texts, explaining what decisions were made and why to an extent, but not elaborating on where ideas were taken from, or how you came to a final decision.

    You need to:
    1) Explain clearly what type of research was carried out for each
    2) Explain what ideas you took on board from this research and how/why you incorporated it into your own work
    3) Elaborate on why you think your final products are successful in appealing to your target audience
    4) Include images to support points made
