Sunday, 5 July 2015

Research Into Goodwins Theory - Miss Georgiou

Goodwin's theory consists of many different aspects and beliefs that are typically found in music videos. I'm going to look at country turned pop artist Taylor Swift and her new music video bad blood and study whether Goodwin theory consists within this particular video and how. 

In Taylor's Swifts 'Bad Blood' video we see a range of different aspects that portray Goodwin's theory, that music videos display genre characteristics. Taylor Swift is now a very popular, globally successful - pop artist. This means that the typical characteristics of her 'Bad Blood' video is very conventional to the pop genre. At the start of the video we see a very short, sharp scene that displays Taylor being very athletic and strong fighting off a number of male competitors. This not only influences the girl power which connotes with the typical single pop female artist, by displaying her as a very strong, independent women, which says to the audience that as a pop female artist you can be deemed as strong, but she is also dressed in very revealing clothing. She wears a nude coloured top with is very provocative as it symbolises with her being naked, this is conventional to the pop genre as it is very stereotypical for the pop genre to use present there female artists as objects and only display them for there body. The nude top is pieced with a  a black mini skirt when again is very short and tight which shows off her curves and her legs to audience, attracting a number of different people being seen as desirable and envious. This is accompanied by high stockings which are associated with being very sophisticated and sexy, which again is two things that is common in the pop genre as it not only shows her as showing off her body, but in a more classy way that is acceptable to her audience. This overall outfit allows her to show off her figure in a very appealing way to her audience. Which in conclusion means that her video applies with the typical conventions of this particular pop genre, throughout from the particular mise-en-scene being costume, that looks a lot more revealing like a pop genre does.  

There is a relationship between lyrics and genres in Taylor Swift's video. In the scene where Selena Gomez pushes Taylor out of the window we see there is some obvious hatred and betrayal in the scene as before they where seen fighting the enemy together. This typically displays some sort of narrative of being deceitful. After being thrown out the window Taylor lays on the destroyed car as she sings 'so take a look what you've done, cause baby now we've got bad blood'. This obviously links into the music video and the story between Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez. Showing that even though they where friends and on the same team, Taylors character in 'Bad Blood' feels betrayed. 'take alook what youve done' is almost an obvious relation to the fact Selena Gomez's character took the breifcase and kicked Taylor out of the window and Taylor is responding with an almost threat 'now we've got bad blood' suggesting that in future scenes there will be some sort of revenge in the video. This relates to the pop genre as there is normally some sort of fiery storyline, whether it demonstrating independence in women or opinions on a certain world-wide issue like money or insecurity. This is a relatable aspect of the genre as it allows the audience to think that there favourite pop artist is successful and has there own mind and thoughts over matters that concern the world and relationships. 

In addition to this there is also a relationship seen slightly at the end between the beat of the music and the visual effects. Right at the end of the music video we are able to see a range of different women walking towards a fight. This war like scenario is in a setting surrounded by a large
explosion, the explosion being a very violent atmosphere we are able to relate this to the beat of the music as it happens to fit in with the loud tone itself. This overall suggests that this particular song is going to be an explosion to the current music industry as it is very controversial over the setting and lyrics and now even how it fits the aggressive beat of the song. This is purposly done to ensure that the public are well aware that this video is something to do with some sort of fight, as well as being able to support the music video by running a lot more smoothly as it fits in with the beat and the atmosphere of the video having things such as explosions and other gadgets that fit in with the overall feel of the music video. This is ultimately what sets this particular high budget pop genre video. The settings and props are very loud and in your face which will cause a lot of hype that surrounds Taylor and other artists. Overall the audience are able to relate to the anger Taylor is feeling and almost feel like they have to back her up as the beat of the music will get them pumped up and the visual effects will support this. 

There is a continuous effect and motif of Taylor Swifts face throughout the music video. This particular part of Goodwin's theory suggests that the artist is required to create a relationship with the audience by having a number of demanding close ups. In Taylor Swift's 'Bad Blood' video we are able to see how this particular artists motif was the continuous effect of the dark eye make up and the close up of Taylor Swift. This overall creates a very intriguing relationship with the audience as they are able to see how Taylor Swift's facial expressions are very angered and stern when singing to the audience. This overall creates anticipation within the audience as they are able to see her anger and emotions, which overall gives them the impression that they are becoming friendly with her. The dark eye makeup also exaggerates that even though stereotypical people assume the pop genre to be focused on brighter heavier makeup we are able to see how here she is taking a darker approach on the aspect of heavier make up. 

In one scene in particular we see how the female body is looked upon in a very exposing way. Taylor Swift is seen to be wearing a very revealing two piece as she lays under a vibrant light that is extremely futuristic and almost makes her look vulnerable as she lays still under the light. Her body is the main focus in this scene of the music video. Her leg is raised which makes her body language is more sexual and this relates to the overall oppression of women in music videos, to appeal to a particular audience. In this case the target audience will be able to either look up to Taylor Swift or be attracted to her, this is because younger girls in the target audience may feel like they have to look like this themselves, even though it may be seen as unhealthy to look at someone else and want to be like them it may be the result of portraying the artist in this way. Teenage girls may become jealous and eventually want to look exactly like Taylor being very slim and fit. This particular scene explains Goodwin's theory and suggests that women's bodies are sexuallised to appeal to a particular audience. Being either younger teen boys and teen women as well. 


Goodwin's theory also heavily suggests that certain references to films, tv programmes and other music videos are common within the music video industry. This is because it will attract certain audience members at the news that somethings are linked to each other and want to investigate how this has concluded. In Taylor Swifts 'Bad Blood' video we witness how many of the scenes are similar to those of Bladerunner and THX. This is due to the intense fighting scenes that are very popular within a specific audience. Also the repetition of a range of different celebrities and well known actors, will eventually increase the popularity of the video even further. 

Finally the last aspect of Goodwin's theory is that there are three main different concepts that apply to a music video. There is primarily a performance based task. That consists of the artist physically performing to the audience this usually entails either dancing or singing. In this particular video of Taylor Swift's, Bad Blood. We see plenty of different lip singing to the camera throughout the video from Taylor Swift and other special guests such as Ellie Goulding. Secondly throughout 'Bad Blood' we see a main narrative of the whole story of a rivalry and argument between Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez. This is to make the audience seen more attracted to the idea of having more to look at throughout a video instead of just getting tired of the repetitive. Concept based videos are when the message of the video has an overall hidden meaning. Although Bad Blood does this mainly through the narrative to show an overall fight.

In conclusion to this learning and discovering Goodwin's theory and what makes it what it is, makes it easier to know what type of things will make my music video of high quality. Trying to add as many as possible will overall make it a lot better and will be more successful to our target audience's. 

1) Consider the conventions of pop in more detail and aim to relate your points and examples back to the conventions, to extend your understanding further
2) Add further detail, to point 7
3) Explain which characteristics you would like to include within your music video and why?

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of Goodwin's theory, demonstrates a sound analysis of the music video theory. You have analysed your chosen music video well and have considered a variety of examples, to support the points that you have made.

    To develop this post-
    1) Consider the conventions of pop in more detail and aim to relate your points and examples back to the conventions, to extend your understanding further
    2) Add further detail, to point 7
    3) Explain which characteristics you would like to include within your music video and why?
