Monday, 4 January 2016

Individual Digipak - Miss Miller

The digipak acts as a limited edition, special collectable item. It is usually made of a very high quality and acts as a very precise representation of the artist for the audience. It is something that is made to be very durable. The outer bindings are made of plastic and have trays for the CD. They are able to pull in and encourage an audience to buy the digipak as it contains special contributions. These include the special message to the audience. This overall is one of the things that makes the digipak a lot more special and personal to the audience as they feel as though they are more involved in the making of the album and this makes them feel a lot more in control of the artist. Sometimes bonus tracks are added to the digipak to provide a very detailed presentation of the album. If it is full of additional songs the audience are going to feel like it is worth the extra money as they are getting more music to listen to. Finally the main purpose of the digipak is to provide the audience with a clear display of what the artists overall theme is for the album. For example a number of different images can be used to display a selected range of feelings and emotions that the artist want the audience to experience.

 I used Photoshop CS6 to create my digipak. I purposely used this software as it is what the professionals use themselves. This means that as a result I am more likely to be able to learn and pick up on skills that will turn my digipak into a professional standard. This means that I am able to use particular blur tools and cutting out tools. This means that I am able to blend and cut the image to make it appear more natural. My other all theme for my digipak was to create something full of nature and emotions. This meant that I had to try and incorporate a mixture of abandoned locations, natural light and close ups that have inner meanings. I felt that this overall theme and idea of the digipak would be the perfect way to display an indie artist. This is because I would be able to show her emotions and relationship to the audience just through the images that I have chosen to include in my digipak. I wanted to be able to use elegant font swell to display the 'kind' and 'dainty' side to her. Overall the plans I made for my digipak are fairly similar to my final outcome although some elements have changed slightly for a number of reasons. 

 The main colours that I have used in my first digipak slide, being the front cover are the natural colours of Amy's outfit (grey/blue tones) and the black and white background. I decided to make her colourful and the background black and white. The main reason for this was to make her stand out as an artist on her album cover. I wanted to be able to show her audience that she is willing to stand out and be different against a 'black and white' world. This meant that the connotation of the black and white background means that as an audience she feels that sometimes she is living in a very plain and boring world and needs some sort of excitement and originality in there life. As a result the audience may also feel although they want to be unique and stand out from the rest this will mean that they are able to feel liberated while buying her album and being a apart of this particular genre of music. In addition to this the conventions of the indie genre are displayed well here. She lies looking out into the distance against an urban brick wall and grassy floor area. This fits the conventions of the indie genre as it displays the artist as someone who is rather enjoying the natural environment surrounding her. In addition to this the location used will appeal to the target audience as they will be able to see her in a familiar and easily accessible location which they may feel like they can relate to as she is not in some fancy, expensive buildings or some tropical island that is unlikely to be reachable by her audience. This means that the audience will look up to her and see her as someone who is very similar to themselves and as someone who is able to appreciate more natural environments and not need to surround herself with luxuries to feel happy. This means that as an artist she will be respected more as she will appear as though she is a lot more down to earth. This will help her audience connect with her a lot more deeply and result in them actually wanting to buy the digipak and album due to there initial judgement of her. I have decided to use this image for my front cover as I believe it is the best for introducing the theme of my digipak. The artist Amy is laid out looking out into the distance, as she sits under a bridge at a riverside. This particular image shows her very 'shy' side which I think is crucial in selling the album and getting the audiences attention. This is because she is not actually looking out at the audience. This means that as a result the audience are going to question what she is looking at and why she is looking out there. They will assume that she is a very reserved person and this will come across in her music too. This means that as a result they will want to buy the album and digipak as they will feel that this album is actually very personal to the artist and they will want to learn more about her and what she has to offer. In addition to this the layout and design is set out in a particular way that will encourage the audience to buy the album. For example her name is in big writing and it is the first thing that the audience will use to recognise the artist. This will result in them being able to identify her and then if they recognise her name they will then focus on the image of her and study it. The plan is to then have them concentrate on the album name. This will cause the audience to have these 3 main things stuck in there head. These 3 things are crucial when buying them album as they will have enough information on the digipak to know who has made it, what its about etc. The typography in the first slide of the digipak is purposely made in a particular way to make the words stand out from the rest of the background. Her name 'Amy Michaela' is able to stand out on its own due to the wide spread of spaces that it has in-between each letter. In addition to this the actual font is very thin and clear to read. This is because the artists name is one of the most important things that have to stand out this is why I purposely made it as clear as possible. I have made the letters all capitalised as again if someone notices this album cover on the shelf they are more likely to take note of the name of the artist and be pulled into it through knowing what particular genre she is a part of and giving them enough time to visualise what the rest of the digipak would be like and if they will actually want to buy it. In addition to this typography of the album name is a lot more dainty and writing like handwriting. This is to make the front cover seem a lot more personal and because the actual album is personal to the artist this is why I have chosen this particular font. I feel the audience will be able to recognise this as something personal and be able to want to buy it due to the detail that must be going in to the digipak. My aim was to make the audience feel as though that this album 'Desolation' is going to be full of emotions and inside feelings that only the audience will be able to relate to. The language that I have used in this particular slide also relates to the album name being 'Desolation.' This is because it is a very accurate display of what the album is all about. The particular word shows us that this album is going to be full of raw emotions that may lead to the audience feeling sorry for the artist. The audience will pick up on the particular language being used and then be able to decide for themselves if they want to buy a digipak that has the indie style of being about 'real' and relatable issues. Overall there are many connotations of emotion that can be seen through the album. For starters the typical black and white colours showing that she is surrounded by a particular feeling whether being sadness or even just the idea of her living in a boring world. While first wanting to go with this theme of using the black and white effect I had to try and adapt my skills on photo shop to be able to do this. This is because the overall process of this has to be very neat and tidy or you may be left with a few mistakes in the image. This is a weakness that I had to overcome in this image and I had to really concentrate on making sure that it was only the background that was kept in black and white.

The colours in the next slide remain slightly similar to the ones in the first slide. This is the particular type of colouring that remains neutral and fits the typical style of the indie genre. I decided to spray pain her name into the brick wall. This is create a more urban effect in the music video. The name 'Amy' is painted in white. The particular colour white connotes the innocence of the album and the songs involved. This invites the audience into buying the album as it creates a sense of sympathy for her. This is due to the fact that it correlates with the emotion in the album. The very white bright colours behind her shows to the audience that her intentions are good and very pure. This will encourage them to buy the album as they will feel as though they are buying it from someone that deserves it. In addition to this the colour of her clothes also remain very neutral as the grey contrasts with the white coloured names Amy. Urban background also fits with the conventions of the genre as it supplies the audience with a different type of setting compared to what is typically seen in indie genres. Normally the stereotypical showing of the indie genre shows a very green and countrified setting. Whereas here I have chosen to still follow the indie genre but show the other side to it instead. This means as a result the audience get a variety of indie codes and conventions as well as just having a field or forest background. This will show the audience that this is going to be a digipak that is full of different interesting opponents that are going to make the digipak worth buying. I decided to use this image as I felt like it would fit in with the innocence of the colours, but also added a slightly more edgy atmosphere. This is due to the fact that the graffiti in the back was already there in the 'A.' but I edited in my own 'M' and 'Y.' To show that she also had a risky side to her. This will show the audience that this album is very emotional as well as being different at the same time. In addition to this her overall image is very delicate and she look very beautiful. This could appeal to a particular audience that may fancy her or like her particular type of style. This will encourage them to like the digipak even more as they will be able to see how much of a beautiful person she is inside and out. The fact that the layout and design is in place to make the artist the main focus makes it possible for the audience to focus on her and what she is trying to get across in the digipak. Her body language in the image shows her pressed up against the wall and looking down. This again shows the theme of her looking very reserved and tells the audience that she is in this for them. The way that the wall appears to be 'naturally graffitied' in the back appeals to the audience in a particular way that shows her as being present in an ordinary background as many of the audience members are going to be familiar with graffiti on the walls of buildings and will relate to her for have a layout in a very average and common place. This will ultimately appeal to them further as they will attempt to see her as someone who doesn't necessarily want to show off her money, but in fact wants to be seen as part of a 'normal' society. The typography and language used both tie into the same category in this particular digipak slide as overall the word 'Amy' is one of the main focuses in this slide. This is due to the fact that I actually spray painted the name over the image and made it appear as though it was just graffiti in the background. This overall contributes to the whole theme of everything appearing more natural as in this case it will appear to the audience that her name 'Amy' was already there to begin with and this makes it possible for both the language and typography to appeal to the audience as it supplies them with a wide range of authenticity. This is because they are most likely to think that this image hasn't really had any type of extra editing done to it when in reality the only letter that was originally there was the letter 'A.' Overall the message that this particular slide of the digipak gives of is her mixed personality traits in this slide. There is a graffiti font behind her which connotes gangs and violence but it is contrasted with the white coloured filling of the bubble writing font. This shows to the audience that she is both good and bad and can be see as someone who is able to be apart of the indie genre but also taking slight risks in her images and music, but also sticks to the fact that her songs are pure and emotional like the white font suggests. In addition to this the brick layered background displays how much she is trying to appeal to the audience through sticking to the conventions of the indie genre. This is due to the fact that the audience will pick up on the urban background and be intrigued to see how far she can go with it and how true she actually is to her genre and her audience. Although this slide looks very simple it was sometimes tricky at times to create in photoshop. This was because I had to learn how blend the original green coloured graffiti that was already behind as it stood out to much and would take away the more innocent looking coloured font such as the white spray painted 'Amy.' This meant that I had to spend a lot of time trying to fill out the space behind her to make the graffiti look as realistic as possible. However it turned out for the best as overall my painting skills in photoshop improved and in the end became on of my strengths as I did need to try and evolve my skills to continue on with my digipak. 

For this slide of the digipak I have decided to include a range of very golden and natural colours. I wanted to incorporate and concentrate on the indie genre in the CD cover as I felt the audience would enjoy this more and it would appear in a more unique way.  I edited the colours in this picture to look more filtered down so that even though there are still beautiful colours there are less vibrant and in your face so the audience can enjoy the simpleness of this particular slide. The sky is a light blue/grey colour and I liked the fact that it wasn't a bright sunny day. This contrasts with the golden brown/yellow corn that is shown in the field below. This presents to the audience that there still is beauty even in the darker days. It is a very symbolic CD cover that I believe an indie audience would appreciate as this genre is mainly focused on emotions and being different and unique. I have conformed to all the elements of the indie genre as I have used a natural setting and symbolic message. This means the the audience are able to look at this CD cover and think that I have purposely used something so natural to portray the artist in a way that makes her a lot more reliable. As they will interpret from this that she is a normal girl and has her own style. This means that as an artist the audience will feel that she is more easy to connect with as there are similarities with her and the audience themselves. This overall means that by included the codes and conventions of the indie genre then I am more likely to be able to draw in my audience with things they are comfortable with and like the most about the genre and this gives me assurance that if the digipak went on sale the audience are more likely to enjoy this type of CD cover. This again contributes with the very natural setting and images used and enables the audience to feel at peace when they look at it. I decided to use this image overall as I felt it fit in perfectly with my overall theme. It especially fits well in with the music video that I have created as the corn fields and golden sunlight that reflects on the artists face is seen very clearly and promptly in the music video 'Salvation.' This then allows me to incorporate it into my images used on the CD cover and have a clear correlation and theme of natural beauty of the settings and the very innocent atmosphere created.  I decided to lay the CD cover out in a particular way that allowed the artist name and title of album to stand out entirely.This encouraged me to focus on the audience and how they would react to seeing like this as a CD cover. The are able to be drawn in by who the digipak belongs to and what sort of intentions this album has by secondly looking at the image and what type of connotations this album gives off. For example the corn field that implies innocence and peace and even beauty which the audience will then immediately tie in with the album and presume that this is the type of approach the artist it trying to give off. The typography used in this particular CD is the same as the one in the digipak. This made it possible to keep everything coordinated and very put together. The more bolder font of the artists name made it easier to pick up on the fact it was hers and overall by including the more dainty font that looked very elegant on the CD cover made it possible for us to see how much contrast is created between them. This ultimately explained to the audience that having these two particular fonts together displayed how much emotion is present in the album. For example the more bold font of her name shows the audience how she can have harsh and very blunt emotions in her songs at times being anger or even just strong opinions on something. Whereas the more delicate font shows the audience that this album is also full of love and happiness and things that are more touching to talk about. Overall the two fonts put together contrast between her bravery and her vulnerability. The language again, just substitutes how much of an emotional album this really is. The word 'Desolation' contributes to how much of an influence the artists emotions have had on this album and the audience are given an insight into how this album is going to be and how it is created this overall allows them to feel what the artist feels and relate to her more as a person not a celebrity singer. Overall the connotations mentioned throughout all remain to be part of a similar group and theme. The colours of the CD cover slide being very neutral and natural connote to the overall codes and conventions of the indie genre and this allows the audience to feel as though they are apart of something realistic and not artificial and fake. The image used appears naturally beautiful and is very easily accessible to everyone as most people live near a forest or field area that they could even go and listen to the music in and this makes it alot more personal to the audience. In addition to this the connotations of the font remind the audience that this album is very personal to the artist. The more feminine handwritten font show the audience that this is an album that leaves the artist feeling very vulnerable as she is able to be presented as someone who is able to express her emotions to her audience without actually being presented as false or artificial as she includes more delicate and natural elements in her CD cover. This is one of the slides that I struggled most with this is because on photoshop it required a lot of time and effort as I had to try and cut around the edges of the photograph to try and fight it inside the CD template. This made it alittle bit more tricky to get right as I had to smooth out the image to fit in the CD. Overall I managed to get the hang of it rather quickly as I had already been able to use the eraser tool before. This made it a lot easier for me to get the hang of. In addition to this the filters I then added over the top of the images made it blend in with the theme more and I overall found it to be a very successful slide in my digipak.

This slide was left very untouched and natural as being placed in one of the middle slots of the digipak I really wanted it to show the true meaning of the theme of the whole digipak. This meant that I was able to use an image of the artist 'Amy-Michaela' and have her stand in front of the sun in the afternoon when it was beginning to descend and this created a very beautiful picture that seemed to fit in nicely with the natural theme. The main colours seen in this particular slide of the digipak is the golden lens flare, the dark shadow of the artist and the dark green colours from the tree behind. This enables the audience to really concentrate on what is exactly in front of them. The golden light that shines through is able to connote the hardship that she made have had while making this album but now it is finally turning out the the best. The light as it is seen covering the artist shows to the audience in a symbolic way that this is the light at the end of the tunnel. It also can connote that she is in fact out in the 'open.' All eyes are on her and she is able to take centre stage with the light shining on her with no where to hide. This again resembles how much vulnerability she may feel towards the audience as they are ultimately being able to listen to her songs and get a very personal insight into her life. The dark green leaves surrounding her connote the fresh and lush environment that she is in. This enables the audience to believe that she is very in touch with nature and its able to look at it as though it is something beautiful and special on the earth. Anyone whom may look at this image may enjoy the representation of the artist as she is seen as being very natural and subtle in her approach. The conventions of the indie genre are very present here as we are able to see the background in a very natural place. This enables the audience to recognise this as an indie genre as people are able to see that the artist isn't trying to make her digipak look glamorous or expensive. The lighting isn't artificial and everything in the image is very accessible to all audience members. This is one of the main conventions of the indie genre that make it conformed because people are able to look up to her as an artist for using the natural elements but they can also see that everything in the shot is something that could be just as easily done by themselves. For example if someone wanted to take a shot like they all they would have to do is go into there back garden or local park/forest and take an image as they sun went down. This ultimately builds a relationship with the audience as they are able to relate to Amy in a more artistic way. The image that I chose for this slide was a highly effective one to choose as I was able to make it my own. I consisted on keeping it very natural and tried my best to not really do anything to it in photoshoot. This not only saved me a lot of time, but it adds to the natural beauty of the indie genre and I feel the audience will be able to appreciate this style alot more as it doesn't result in a lot of money to be spent, which ultimately can sometimes take away the first intention of the image. I wanted the light to look as though its is striking the artist this is very successful when creating a silhoutte of Amy Michaela the artist and allows the audience to get the impression that she is exposed in the natural light and this results in them feeling reassured and comfortable with what is yet to come within her album as they feel she is a genuine artist. This is specifically shown through the use of natural light and location in this image alone. Because in this slide I have attempted to keep the image and theme as natural as possible I decided not to add any type of wiritng including the font/typography. I felt that this would take away from the beauty of the lens flare and cause the audience to loss interest with the image. I wanted the layout to be rather simply and have just the artist silhouette against the sunset be the main priority in the image. This meant that I didn't really have any specif layout and design and I kept everything pretty much the same as the real image. For the reason being that I wanted this to be a very symbolic slide and consist of having natural elements and positions in it. Overall I have discussed many connotations above all leading back to the idea of everything being very simple and beautiful. My main focus of this slide of the digipak was to focus on the artist and how far she has come. This is shown through the sunlight being fully on her now and displaying a very symbolic message that her songs on the album are very personal to her. The audience will intently feel connected to her because of this and this will result in them having a huge amount of represent for her. Photoshop was fairly straight forward in this slide and I didn't really overcome any weaknesses due to the fact that all I did to the image was crop it into shape and make sure the artist was centre in the image. This made is alot easier for me to complete and made me feel more assured with photoshop itself. 

The majority of this image was made into black and white. The reason for this was to be able to see the artist as a past person almost. I wanted this slide to show the 'vintage' and 'vunerable' side to her. This is why I decided to have most of the colour in black and white. Although I did decided to exaggerate the colour of her blue eyes in photoshop to still show the audience that she was a beautiful person who still has a soul. I wanted the colour blue of her eyes to connote the peacefulness she feels inside for her audience as they dig through her album and uncover things about the artist. I wanted this image to represent a number of things that where to come into the album through colour alone. For example the blue eyes show that there may be some sadness in the album that will be very personal to the audience and the artist. It may be relateable to which is why I decided to add the colour to her eyes to show to the audience that they are technically looking through Amy's eyes. I painted her original nails a darker shade of black to show that she has also struggled with some hard times and that can also be notified through the album. As a whole I wanted them to symbolise the dark nail polish to the idea of her having the 'crawl' her way through to the better side. Which is why I choose this specific part of her body being her nails to represent the 'clawing' that she has had to under go. Finally the whole image being in black and white represents that being though she is still very proud of herself for being able to portray these things to her audience she still feels exposed to them. This ultimately makes the audience feel as though they are apart of the journey and this brings them closer to Amy in the process. The connotations of the indie genre are actually very subverted in this slide. Although she still remains very observed having so much black and white is not common in the indie genre as they are usually focusing there album on more of a natural tone and in fact the black and white effect is much more common in the soul element compared to the indie genre. Nevertheless I felt that the black and white was much more appropriate to this particular artist as I wanted her audience to feel  as though they where all part of an emotional and ongoing journey that was displayed perfectly through the use of the black and white effect. I felt this image fit in to the idea of this particular slide perfectly. This is because of the way the artist is presented having her look at the audience directly but have her hide her face with her hands made it possible for the audience to know that she is vulnerable but at the same time reaching out to them by having them looking directly at her. The layout and design is very particular in this slide as it allows the audience to be able to read the thank you note off of her hands. The style and position of the writing makes it look as though its a tattoo printed on her skin and ultimately this makes the whole message a lot more individual and personal to her audience. In addition to this the particular way the font is presented is very dainty and feminine. This particular typography makes it easier for the artist to be able to be able to recognise this as something personal and emotional. The reason for this is because the font looks as though it is hand written and these particular types of font make it easier for the audience to believe that the artist has actually written this herself. Resulting in a much more close bond between the artist and the audience. The language used is also very demotic and can be recognised by the audience in a more friendly way. The fact that she relates to her audience as 'guys' immediately lessons the gap between them and makes it a lot more easier for the artist to be able to create a further more fuller relationship with the audience. In addition to this the way she signs her name as 'Amy M x' is not only making the audience familiar with her own nickname but she is also adding a more informal, but kind gesture of a 'kiss.' This immediately makes the audience feel although this is more of a social letter compared to a formal thank you from a celebrity. Overall there are many connotations for this particular slide the main ones being the colour blue from her eyes which connotes peace but also emotions, which ultimately gives the audience a clue into how the artist is feeling about the album and also what the album actually consists of. This was one of the slides that needed the most attention when it makes to photoshop as I not only played about with the filters but Amy physical appearance also. My strengths in using photoshop at this particular moment was when I was able to make her black and white but not her eyes. This is because I had played about with the black and white effect previously and I gained a slight skill for being able to do this accurately. Although when having to try and change Amy's nails this became a struggle. The original image the model in the photo had fake acyclic nails on with glitter on them. There where a very square shape and had become to grow out, this made it very difficult to make her nails look as realistic as possible but with help of the paint and blur tool I managed to make it look as natural as possible.

In this particular slide the colours remain matching to the front cover. Being so that the background is black and white and then Amy is still in colour. I have done this to create the theme of having a very plain background with the focus being the artist. This enables me to be able to connote that the artist is able to portray to her audience that this particular album is emotional. This gives off the impression that the artist has been through a lot of hardships in her life and the audience will want to know what has made her see in black and white. In addition to this the artist is wearing a blue jumper which connotes the sadness of the songs that are represented in the album. The audience will begin to feel a lot of sympathy aimed at the artist and this will ultimately make them feel closer to her as an artist and this will show them that she is willing to be able to confess to all her inner emotions and portray them in a way that will relate to the audience. Even though the back ground is in black and white you are able to see that the location is very heavily coated with leaves over the brick wall. This demonstrates both the natural elements in the final slide of the digipak as well as the brick wall which shows more of an urban side to the digipak. This ultimately displays how the final slide of the digipak fits the conventions of the indie genre as it shows how much of an impact the location and setting will have on the audience as they will be able to recognise that it fits these particular conventions. This allows the audience to recognise Amy Michaela as an indie artist and then continue to admire her as someone who is able to stick to her genre and contribute to it in a positive way by following the typical conventions which include the locations and settings used in the photographs as well as the music video. I decided to choose this image as I felt that it went well with being the back cover. This is because even though the artist is in the image the focus is not actually on her it is on the song titles. This is because all the audience are able to see is the back of her, which allows them to feel her presence but not necessary focus on her, but rather just the titles of the song. I felt like her positioning in this image allowed her to look as though she was looking out into the distance and I'm this particular image it made it very easy for the audience to relate to her having a new start and sharing all her past emotions with them if the artist herself was looking out into the distance. This is because as a whole the audience will feel connected to her and ultimately be able to provide a sense of thoughtfulness into her album as she will appear as someone who really dwells on things similarly to what most of her audience probably follow aswell. The layout and design was purposely created to make everything appear in a very orderly manor. I wanted the audience to be able to focus on the song titles and I wanted the structure to be displayed  as being very clear and precise, this enabled me to presume that people considering to buy the digipak or even audience members would easily find a song that they could relate to and this would actually bring out a side to them that would be more inclined to buy the album. I placed the bar code and record label at the bottom to try and keep the attention off of them but at the same time I wanted them to be relevant and have meaning which is why they are still present just at the bottom of the slide. Overall I feel that my particular design and layout is very organised and things that need to stand out the most do. The particular typography that I have planned to incorporate into the last slide of the digipak is one that resembles a handwritten but clear presentation. The font is in all capitals to true and bring attention to it so that the audience can see that this is a crucial part of the back page. In addition to this the typography appears to have a handwritten style but not as dainty and swirly as other types. This is because I want the audience to feel like it has a personal touch but I also want to make this a very clear list of songs that are easy to read. This then continues on further to display the language used in the end slide. There are many songs that are able to present the true emotion and theme of the album aswell as being able to fit to the conventions of the indie genre. Songs like 'november' are a conventional choice of language because it relates to an autumn month. This means that it connotes the orange leaves in the forest and the cosy winter weather. By doing so the audience begin to imagine what type of music and atmosphere these songs will give off and they will begin to question whether or not the songs will follow the same cosy and consistent effect. Furthermore the song 'Salvation' is able to hint at a romance or certain power that makes the artist feel strong. This is due to the fact that the audience are able to feel at ease when watching a listening to this song as the true image of love is displayed the audience will be about to relate more to the realistic approved rather then just being able to present love in a way that is too perfect to be real. This means the the audience will gain a certain perspective on the album just from the title and songs alone, overall making the language choices a clever way of thoutherly promoting the digipak. As a whole i do believe that this digipak slide fits the typical conventions of the indie genre as it has the main colours and setting that fit in with the theme of the indie genre. This is seen through the mix of rural and urban settings that show the audience that the artist is educated in being both a fan of the city and countryside. This enables them to buy the album through the connotations of the digipak. They may have not heard all the songs on the digipak or watched all the music videos but they are able to get a true representations of the aritst as they know what type of person she is through the selection of locations she has used in this particular slide. Finally the use of photoshop was made alot easier as I had reached my final digipak slide and overall I had felt as though I had picked up some essential skills on the way. I felt asthough I was able to adapt to my strengths which where being able to turn the background black and white as I had done this throughout my digipak to follow the theme I was able to really provide a really accurate effect. The only thing I did struggle with is the layout in photoshop and this was a rather large issue that I had to try and adapt to, this is because while I was placing the bar code and record label on the digipak as I struggled to be able to fit this in line im the correct way. This is because it was hard to use the mouse tool that and make the extra codes and tags look professional in the finish of the digipak.

As a whole I am very pleased with how my digipak has come out and how much I have learnt through practicing with the programme photoshop. I do feel that my digipak fits the indie conventions as I am able to display a true selction of natural locations which appeal to the audience and the indie genre by adding a more naturall beautiful aspect. For example the forest and cornfield locations are really what make this digipak appear a lot more indie. In addition to this the golden sunlight also add to the texture of the digipak and the overall theme of it being very neautral and natural. In addition to this the font used is very personal to the audience as all font used gives off a very personal theme and this contributes to the indie genre as the artist in this particular genre are known for caring alot about there audience and sharing deep and personal things through there music alone. I do also believe that the target audience are going to feel that this is a good edition to an indie artists collection. Not just because it appeals to all the codes and conventions of the indie genre but in addition to this the actual ideas and imagery behind the digipak was made to purposely suit the audience. The setting is realtable to thme making them feel more comfortable when listening to Amy Michaelas album as they are able to take pride in there artist for being orginal and thinking of them as a target audience. I additionally think that the audience will acknowledged the emotions put into this digipak through all the connotations of the colours and facial expressions. This will then appeal to them further as they will know what to expect as they album progresses. Overall I feel my digipak is personal and very relateable which over builds the relationship between artist and audience and in the end is what makes it possible for audience members to feel connected to there audience. Relating back to dyers theory of artists being extraordinary as well as ordinary. As they are rich and famous but also try and act normal and ordinary to relate and build the relationship with there audience.

(spell check didnt work so will prove spelling etc)

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a very good and in depth analysis of you individual digipak, explaining why you chose to use the elements chosen on each of the slides and what you hope they create; as well as a brief analysis of Photoshop. You have thought about the artist/audience relationship as well as conventions of the genre, and connotations of the elements used within each slide, showing a real understanding of their impact.

    You need to:
    1) Be specific when talking about photoshop - make sure you state which tools you struggled with and used to create different effects
